Reminder the CECC Office is now located in the Annex. If you come to the CECC between 8:15 am and 2:15 pm, you will need to call 325-356-2440 and a staff member will meet you at the Cafeteria doors on Bryan Street.
October 14 - Start using the Cafeteria doors (Bryan Street) as an entrance to the CECC.
October 16 - 2:00 pm Family Engagement Conscious Discipline and DECAs in CAFETERIA
October 28 - No Head Start Classes - EHS still has classes
October 31 - Halloween Happenings
November 20 - 2:00 pm Family Engagement Healthy Meals on a Budget
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Holidays
December 18 - January 6 - Winter Break
January 13 - No Head Start Classes - EHS still has classes
February 4 - Picture Day
February 17 - No Head Start Classes - EHS still has classes
March 10-14 Spring Break - no classes
April 7 - No Head Start Classes - EHS still has classes
April 21 - Bad Weather Day
May 9 - 12:15 pm Head Start Awards and Graduation (Head Start releases after ceremony)
May 16 - Early Release 11:00 am