Texas Teacher Incentive Allotment

CISD's Teacher Scorecard

Texas Legislature in 2019 and signed into law. This legislation established an optional Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) with a stated goal to reward, retain, and recruit effective teachers in the classroom. Through the TIA, teachers can earn one of three designations: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. These designations generate supplemental compensation in addition to the district’s compensation plan.

There are two pathways to earning a designation:

  • National Board Certification
  • Local Designation System

By statute, the amount of the allotment generated by teacher designations is dependent upon the designation level of the teacher, the socio-economic status of the campus where the teacher serves as well as the rural status of the campus. The TIA is designed to reward the top 33% of teachers across the state of Texas. See TIA Funding Map page for more details. 

Master Teacher
A Master teacher designation generates between $12,000 to $32,000 in additional funding as is awarded to the top 5% of teachers across the state based upon their teacher observation and student growth outcomes.

Exemplary Teacher
An Exemplary teacher designation generates between $6,000 to $18,000 in additional funding as is awarded to the top 20% of teachers across the state based upon their teacher observation and student growth outcomes.

Recognized Teacher
A Recognized teacher designation generates between $3,000 to $9,000 in additional funding as is awarded to the top 33% of teachers across the state based upon their teacher observation and student growth outcomes.

National Board Certification
National Board Certification is a voluntary advanced professional certification for PreK-12 educators that identify teaching expertise through performance-based, peer-reviewed assessment. Teachers are certified based on standards set by the National Board for Professional Teacher Standards.


Comanche ISD's TIA Coordinator ~ Lindsey Hawvermale ~ lhawvermale@comancheisd.net