Special Dietary Needs of Students
All meals served at Comanche ISD must meet nutrition standards
established by the U.S. department of Agriculture. If a child has a
disability, as determined by a doctor, and the disability prevents the
child from eating the regular school meal, the school will make
substitutions prescribed by the doctor. If a substitution is needed,
there will be no extra charge for the meal. Special dietary needs
policy is listed below.
Child Nutrition Services may make reasonable accommodations for students who are not disabled, but who are unable to consume a food item because of medical or other special dietary needs. Such determinations will be made on a case by case basis when supported by a statement (using the Medical Statement form), signed by a recognized medical authority (licensed physicians, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner). This provision covers those students who have allergies or food intolerances but do not have life-threatening or anaphylactic reaction.
Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians must provide a completed Medical Statement form that includes the following:
- The student’s disability or medical condition
- The food(s) to be omitted and the suggested substitutions
- Signature of appropriate medical authority and date
To ensure accurate meal service, parents are requested to:
- Communicate the student’s special dietary need to the school nurse and Food Service Office when the student transfers or promotes to a different school or district
- Bring in an updated medical statement to report any updates or changes to the original medical statement should any dietary changes occur.
Child Nutrition Services makes a conservative approach to food allergies and includes but is not limited to all foods that may contain trace amounts of the top eight allergens: soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, egg and wheat. Request for changes in dietary accommodations or needs should be requested in writing to the Child Nutrition Specialist and include the recognized medical authority signature and date.